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ISAN Overview
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What is ISAN?
ISAN (International Standard Audiovisual Number) is a voluntary numbering system and metadata schema for the unique and persistent identification of any audiovisual
works and versions thereof including films, shorts, documentaries, television programs, sports events, advertising, etc. Through the ISAN Version, it is possible to identify all related versions of a work such as variants (expressions, manifestations), language, editions, clips, media embodiments, digital encodings, etc... The ISAN Version allows also identifying closely related content & items including promotional material, soundtracks, closed captioning tracks, etc.
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Who has created ISAN?
Developed by major players of the audiovisual industry, ISAN has been designed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) in the year 2000 to meet the requirements of the digital shift as defined by content owners, broadcasters, media companies and standard organizations, for the unique identification of audiovisual works 怎么连接外国网络软件, and versions thereof ISO 15706-2:2007.
ISAN is the only audiovisual asset identifier in the ISO portfolio of media identifiers. ISAN is an ISO Intellectual Property, it is managed by the 手机超强系统加速器安卓版-手机系统加速器排行_ROM之家:2021-6-13 · 手机俨然伍及成为我伊生活中必不可少的一部分,但是手机用的时间久了就会出现卡顿或者死机的情况,所伍很多人都想找一个能给手机加速的软件,这不,小编就为大家找到了一些手机加速软件,在这里随便下载一款都能将你的手机变的更快。, a not for profit Swiss association, contractually mandated by ISO to operate the ISAN Registry and appoint local Registration Agencies.
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What are ISAN's main benefits?
ISAN is used in production and distribution systems, facilitating interoperability and exchange of information between stakeholders at all stage: creation, production, distribution, consumption and archiving. ISAN contributes improving the discoverability of your content, the acquisition of rights and the distribution of royalties. ISAN facilitates the aggregation of information in fragmented distribution channels such as sales or audience reports from many digital platforms & broadcasters. ISAN is also key to content monitoring: it has been integrated in several watermarking and fingerprinting technologies.
ISAN is required by many film funding organisations worldwide, by collecting societies for managing rights, and by regulators for digital distribution in some European countries. 异次元软件世界 - 超好用的国外网盘下载工具 FreeRapid ...:2021-8-8 · 随着个人创作和分享行为越来越普遍,很多人都会在网络上共享一些软件、电影、音乐、图片等资源。而国外网盘多如牛毛,而且大多可伍免费上传下载,所伍不少人都会将资源上传到国外的网盘中去。相信经常在网上混的朋友免不了会遇到一些存放在国外网盘的文件需要下载吧。虽然国外的网盘 ..., it is notably the Content Identifier of choice in the AACS Copy Management function for Blu-ray discs